

Air Travel: Carry-On Bins Getting Larger

Back a dozen years ago, when airlines started charging for checked luggage, people reverted to carry-ons. When carry-on bins got too stuffed, airlines began charging for them.

Several airlines are now actually doing something sensible that may not cost passengers extra. They’re redesigning the overhead bins so they can hold more bags. A genius came up with the simple solution to expand the bins outward and make the doors curved.

Of course, it will make getting in and out of your squeezed seat a bit more difficult and increase the chance that you’ll bump your head on the way to the loo. But, hey, you can’t have everything.

Alphabet Inc: Google Driverless Taxis Coming Soon PDF Print E-mail

For people who need instant rides, first there were stage coaches, then horse and buggies, then taxis, followed by Uber. Now there are plans for cars that can take you places in the city without a guy in the front seat.

Google calls them autonomous vehicles, and after a million miles of testing, the next step is to practice pick-up service. According to reports, as early as a year from now, the first ones will be tried in non-busy traffic areas, such as office parks and limited access campuses.

If you think taxi driver Travis Bickle was crazy before, consider how homicidal he’ll be when he sees an autonomous Google take a customer away from him.

Sweet ‘16: Lower Airline Fares Predicted PDF Print E-mail

According to latest reports, because of dropping gas prices and other factors, travel costs in 2016 could be the lowest in years. So, now that you’re a seasoned citizen, with more time to hit the road, consider several important savings tips.

By booking inclusive vacations that combine air fare and hotel reservations, savings could be up to 25% cheaper than booking separately. Also, if you’re available to fly at any time, the lowest-priced airfares are those booked from one to two months in advance. And tickets for Wednesday night/red eye flights are the cheapest.

Of course, when making your travel plans, keep checking daily, sometimes hourly, for online deals that make the savings even more bountiful.

Try Twitter To Tweet Topical Travel Trends PDF Print E-mail

For senior wanderers, the world of travel is always getting more technically sophisticated, and too often very confusing. However, because all the new happenings can work to make travel more economical and interesting, it’s essential to keep up with them.

Remember the days before ATM machines, when you had to go into a bank to get cash or change money with a live teller? And before smartphones, when calling home from a foreign country, it was an expensive experience while being enclosed in a phone booth.

Twitter is where the world communicates via short 140-character messages. It provides amazing instant networking, with the system of followers and followings. Twitter accounts can be for individuals, businesses and just about any other entities.

Airline Onboard Toilet Fees? PDF Print E-mail

Remember coin-operated toilets? When you had to pay a dime to use them? Some still exist around the world, according to a recent senior traveler report of encountering them in New York City, England, France, and of all places, the Vatican.

Actually, the U.S. Congress may soon vote on a bill that will make charging passengers for toilet breaks while in flight illegal. Several years ago, Ryanair considered a toilet use fee of a Euro, equal to a bit more than $1 per visit, but overwhelming public disapproval killed the plan.

FFRF: Request No More Bedside Bibles At Hotels PDF Print E-mail

You may come up with your own F words to describe your opinion of the anti-Bible organization. It actually means Freedom From Religion Foundation. And it’s mad as hell!

FFRF has contacted thousands of major hotel and motel chains with the request that the traditional Gideon Bibles be taken away. According to FFRF, the books in each room are offensive to guests who are non-Christian.

For more than a century, Gideon International has placed millions of the Bibles, printed in many languages, in travelers’ hotel rooms throughout the world. Has anyone on either side of the argument yet suggested replacement books of inspiration? How about these titles:

This Hotel Also Rents Rooms By The Hour
Many Fascinating Varieties Of Hotel Bedbugs
How To Stuff Sheets And Towels Into A Small Suitcase
Boring Kardashian Stories To Put You To Sleep Fast
Guest In Next Room Just Drilled Peephole In Your Wall


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