Travel Tips: How To Make New Friends PDF Print E-mail

Basically, all you need is to show an outgoing personality, courtesy and conversation skills. You can do it alone, but it’s easier for two guys or two gals together to blend in. As a pair, you can successfully meet with other couples or groups on cruises, excursions or other places where seniors gather to gab, ogle, mix and match.

At social gatherings, make sure you don't stand in a corner waiting for something to happen. As politicians always do, work the room. Introduce yourself, start conversations, tell jokes, sing a stanza from a popular song and let everyone know you're the most interesting person there.

5 Moments When Senior Travelers Go Crazy PDF Print E-mail

We’re tired of seeing so many newspaper and website warnings that Alzhiemer’s anger and confusion have overtaken seniors. So, to prove their accusations, here are the reasons senior sojourners go insane:

1. I learn the $99 bargain flight or hotel room actually takes $150 out of my pocket.

2. The hotel charges for wi-fi and so-called honor fridge, even if I never use the damned things.

3. The attendant on a long flight charges $25 for a stinky blanket and sweaty pillow.

How Much To Tip Your Hotel Room Maid? PDF Print E-mail

Despite what the hotel bartender tells you, tipping is not mandatory. He may also say your room maid (actually his girlfriend) is a grossly underpaid single mother with eight children, and cares for her wheelchair-bound senile parents.

A tip ... the cliché original meaning is To Insure Promptness ... should be based on good service. Is the room clean and neat? Do you have adequate towels? If you're staying more than one night, is the room made up promptly in the morning? If you have kids with you, has the maid taken extra steps to make them comfy?

We suggest you leave $5 for each night. If a maid has been particularly efficient, such as extra towels, a bunch of flowers and/or candy on the pillows in the evening, add several more dollars a night.

Cruise Tips For Senior Single Who Wants To Mingle PDF Print E-mail

Reader’s Report: Since retiring more than 20 years ago, I’ve taken dozens of cruises, including sailing on Princess, Royal Caribbean and Holland-America. At meals and other times, I had frequent talks with single senior passengers, and learned the basics. Here are some hints.

The worst mistake a single senior can make is to blindly book a typical cruise, and find out too late that most passengers are still-active young couples, students or families with very active little kids. If you fall into that trap, and it happens too often, you'll be a very unhappy single sailor.

Scam Alert: I'll Take Your Picture .... And Your SmartPhone PDF Print E-mail

It recently happened to a savvy senior traveler. She went ashore from the cruise ship to a busy marketplace. A friendly young man volunteered to shoot a photo of her with the colorful background.

She gave him her SmartPhone, walked over, stood in front of a large flower display and smiled. She then watched the friendly guy disappear into the crowd with her SmartPhone. Do we really need to offer a warning here?


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