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Basically, all you need is to show an outgoing personality, courtesy and conversation skills. You can do it alone, but it’s easier for two guys or two gals together to blend in. As a pair, you can successfully meet with other couples or groups on cruises, excursions or other places where seniors gather to gab, ogle, mix and match.

At social gatherings, make sure you don't stand in a corner waiting for something to happen. As politicians always do, work the room. Introduce yourself, start conversations, tell jokes, sing a stanza from a popular song and let everyone know you're the most interesting person there. You may also consider joining in on volunteer vacations, such as Habitat for Humanity, where you're sure to make new acquaintances as you work together. Volunteers are motivated people by nature, usually gregarious and friendly.

If a working companion appeals to you or makes positive gestures for getting better acquainted, you can be assured of pleasant times with your new acquaintance. Or you can take the first step with an introductory line, such as, "Please pass me that hammer and a couple of ten penny nails?"

If you're traveling for pleasure, sign up for structured trips such as theme cruises and excursions. Select those that cater to people of your age, orientation, education and other common interests.

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