

New Orleans LA: WWII Road To Berlin Experience

The exhibit, called Campaigns of Courage, is now open to visitors at the National World War II Museum. When entering, visitors will be given an electronic device called the Dog Tag Experience.

As they view the various galleries, they’ll hear and see virtual 1944 and 1945 combat in Europe as narrated by veterans of that historic era. For more info, go to www.nationalww2museum.org

Our cruise log: RCL's Radiance of the Seas PDF Print E-mail

NCL's Radiance of the Seas

Radiance of the Seas approaches Ensenada harbor

We recently returned from a five-day Royal Caribben Line Mexican Riviera cruise out of San Diego, including port stops at Ensenada and Cabo San Lucas. In the days before the cruise, we considered cancellation because of a big tropical storm with 120+ mph winds heading straight for Cabo, and due to hit on our arrival day.

When we called our travel agent, we were assured that the ship’s captain would never sail within 100 miles of any storm, and the route would be changed if there were any possibility of danger. With some misgivings, we boarded the ship in San Diego. We could have left our worries at home. The storm suddenly veered far south of Cabo, and the cruise was absolutely smooth and a total pleasure.

Is it OK to bid on an online vacation auction? PDF Print E-mail


Cartoon of man in straw hat

Watch out for phony offers at online auctions

Q: We’ve seen many ads and websites offering resorts, cruises and other travel deals at auction. We’re not gamblers nor experienced auction attendees, and have always booked our trips the regular way. However, now that we’re retired and can go anywhere at any time almost on a moment’s notice, we’d like to take a shot at an online vacation auction. How do we go about it?

Palace Guard on parade, London, England PDF Print E-mail

Palace Guard, London, England

British tradition: bearskin hats and scarlet coats

Tips: What to do during long airport delays PDF Print E-mail

Cat in mask

During long airport waits, sleep mask for quiet cat naps

Headlines blare: airport computer glitch causes nationwide flight delays for hours. Add the usual winter and holiday schedule screw-ups, and passengers should prepare to spend hours sitting, fuming and griping on butt-hard seats in the airport. Is there anything you can do to make the long hours of waiting, if not pleasant, at least almost bearable? Here are some suggestions:

1. Electronics and more electronics: Bring along a laptop with DVD player and stash of discs. You can work, listen and/or watch to pass the dragging time away.

2. Privacy, sort of: Bring noise-reducing earphones and eye mask to blot out some of the noise and harsh lights of the airport waiting room.

All-inclusive vacation packages for singles PDF Print E-mail

Cruise ship

Cruises offer luxurious setting for meeting someone new

They’re trips created, designed and advertised specifically for single adults, including seniors. The vacation packages are exclusively for unmarried (or those pretending to be unmarried) people seeking to connect up with other unmarried (or pretending to be unmarried) people.

The most popular all-inclusive vacation packages for singles can be listed in three general categories:

1. Singles-only cruises: These packages, sometimes including air travel in the price, offer everything a traveler needs from the moment of boarding the ship. Amenities include a comfortable cabin and never-ending fun activities throughout the voyage, until on the final day's debarking at the home port. All meals, snacks, pools, spas, entertainment, dancing, single-mingle events, romancing and other on-board activities are included in the package.


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