

Las Vegas NV: Expedia Lists Top In-Demand Hotels

Huh? Some regular seasoned visitors may not quite agree, but the popular internet travel site lists Circus Circus as the top hotel in town.

Of course, in-demand first place doesn’t mean best for quality, service and cleanliness. According to Expedia, the list is for the 20 most booked hotels. In second place is Excalibur another vintage Vegas hotel that has seen better days and nights.

Luxor is 3rd, Treasure Island 4th and Stratosphere 5th. Mandalay Bay, one of the most luxurious in town, managed to earn 10th place, and ARIA, a newer posh hotel, was 16th.

Learn Local Language Basics And Enjoy Travel More PDF Print E-mail

Guest Senior Correspondent LVG, Louisville KY: While jogging at dawn in a German town recently, I encountered a local policeman. “Guten tag!” I called out like a local citizen. The answer was in perfect English, “And good morning to you, too, sir!”

He knew I was an American tourist, and I’m sure he was amused by my attempt to speak German. We appreciate visitors to our country who speak English, so people of other lands have more respect for American tourists when we communicate in their language. A simple thanks, a smile and a compliment can go a long way.

Las Vegas NV: Will We Go To Jail For Buffet Robbery? PDF Print E-mail

Guest Correspondent WLW, Pasadena CA: Will we get a Sin City lock-up built for two? We sneaky senior wanderers don’t rob money from casinos. We commit the crime of daily doggie bagging. As frequent diners at Vegas hotel buffets, we’ve developed the fine art of sneaking food out to eat later for free.

No arrests yet, but considering the Mafia history of Vegas, by revealing our nefarious actions, we could be risking broken kneecaps or anonymous burial plots in the desert. After all, didn’t the Mob hit Bugsy Siegel and other unfortunate guys for cheating in Sin City?

St. Petersburg, Russia: Cats Prowl Cathy’s Castle Museum PDF Print E-mail

A must-see destination in the historic city is The State Hermitage Museum. Built as the Winter Palace residence in the mid 18th Century for Empress Catherine the Great, it’s now one of the world’s largest and most interesting collections of art. Works include those of Michelangelo, Van Gogh, Matisse, da Vinci and many others.

A unique feature of the museum is that it has been patrolled by a crew of working cats for the past two centuries. They’re official mousers, and are fed and cared for by museum staff. Daily visitors encounter many of the hundred friendly felines as they patrol the interiors and grounds. For more info, go to www.saint-petersburg.com/virtual-tour/hermitage

Filthy Flights: What About Air Travel Cleanliness? PDF Print E-mail

Q: A friend and her husband recently returned from an overseas flight with severe colds and infected sores. He had to spend time in the hospital. How can we vulnerable senior travelers avoid these problems? CPL, Cleveland OH

A: In two words: It happens. Crowded airports and passenger areas on planes are constantly full of people of all ages and backgrounds. Many bring colds and other problems. The only way to at least try to avoid infection is to practice personal cleanliness.

Monaco Luxury: Monte Carlo’s Fantastic Harbor PDF Print E-mail

Your travel4seniors.com editor captured the perfect moment while viewing one of the most beautiful scenes in Europe.


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