Active Senior: “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night” PDF Print E-mail

The next lines of the Dylan Thomas poem are: “Old age should burn and rave at close of day. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.” As your travel4seniors.com editor grows older, those words always inspire me. I’m often asked how and why I take two daily one-hour hikes and 30-minute swim, and still travel the world several times a year at age 92.

The expectation was that if not already a decade dead, I should be drooling mindlessly in my wheelchair in a nursing home hallway. Some of my survival may be genetic. My mom, sister and brother lived into their 90s. Luck is also involved, because I survived U.S. Navy service in two wars, several surgeries, marriage and raising my kids.

Opinion: Smartphones Create Dumb Dangerous Wanderers PDF Print E-mail

Many senior travelers complain about how some of the world’s most beautiful attractions are now over-run by clueless people and their kids. Whether it’s Hollywood Boulevard, the Eiffel Tower or Philly’s Independence Square, today’s annoying scene is the same.

Instead of enjoying the historical sights, they stroll aimlessly with eyes and ears glued to those little electronic boxes. They bump into each other and anyone else trying to walk and enjoy the views. Even more obnoxious is when they raise their selfie sticks. Not only is your body in danger from the mindless people bumps, but your face and eyes become targets. Advice: When in popular tourist spots, always be aware and wary of the poking stick.

Uber And Lyft OK Except During Major Theater, Sports Events PDF Print E-mail

It’s called surge pricing with on-demand rides when major live sports and entertainment events happen. Yesterday, when downtown was quiet, your ride home cost $10. Tonight, when you attend a Super Bowl or Broadway hit, it could be $150 for the same ride. According to reports, some ride charges before and after last year’s Super Bowl increased 500%.

Of course, private drivers not with traditional taxi companies need to find income where it’s most available. Surge pricing makes up for the hours of cruising streets looking for passengers, while fuel and maintenance costs rise. What can senior passengers do about it? Not much, unless you bargain with the driver before you get in, or arrange for a friend or family member to take you and pick you up after a major sports or entertainment event.

Flu Epidemic More Dangerous For Elderly World Travelers PDF Print E-mail

According to many news reports, this season may be the worst of the disease in more than ten years. And it is especially hitting young children and the elderly, requiring some common senior sense to avoid being infected.

With springtime travel season about to begin, keep informed daily about where the flu is hitting the hardest. If it’s a crowded big city, such as New York or Beijing, consider changing your plans. If you do visit  and must mingle among many people on streets, in restaurants, shops and terminals, do as many Asian travelers do.

Latest Poop: Strange Bathroom Practices Around The World PDF Print E-mail

In our foreign travels, we've experienced some unfamiliar bathroom features. Several years ago, your travel4seniors.com editor toured the castle of Catherine the Great in St. Petersburg, Russia. Everything about the royal residence was magnificent. However, when visiting the rest room, we found it featured squat toilets. Instead of the expected US-styled seats and urinals, there were holes in the floor.

In some areas of Japan, there’s the usual plumbing and ceramic bowls, but they’re level with the floors. It takes balance and strength to get through the ordeal successfully. Also, some of the most modern toilets there have an array of buttons for controlling seats, flushing and shocking to those who push the wrong button and get a sudden spurt of upward cold water.

In Taiwan, used toilet paper is recycled. You must follow the rules by not flushing, but you push a control button to send the used paper on its way to be cleaned for another service to mankind.


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