Senior Travel: Try a Volunteer Vacation This Summer PDF Print E-mail

Are you kidding? Why are you telling me to sign up for a vacation that isn't a vacation, but just a tough job helping other people, strangers I don’t even know? Doggone it! I'm entitled to bask at the shore, toss dice in Vegas, sip vino in Tuscany or dine at an outdoor Paris cafe. Who knows? With the economy and the job market the way it is, maybe it'll be my last chance for years to enjoy a vacation. I haven’t worked all these years so that I can use my valuable time off to sweat for some strangers.

Senior Travel: Economic Downturn - Hotel Price Downslide PDF Print E-mail

The old adage says a pessimist looks at a half empty glass and complains because it is only half full. The optimist looks at a half empty glass and is thankful it is half full. That doesn’t apply today’s hotel industry, because half-full hotels reflect pessimistically bad economic times and lost business. News reports say that US hotels today are having their lowest occupancy figures since the frightening months immediately following the 9/11/01 attacks on the US. Occupancy rates in 2008 were down 18% from 2007.

Senior Traveler: Top 10 Free Places to Enjoy Doing Absolutely Nothing PDF Print E-mail
Boy at Grand Canyon
Senior Journey: Elderhostel Experience in Israel PDF Print E-mail

Friends of ours recently booked a two-week trip to Israel, one of hundreds of choices for seniors by Elderhostel. In case you’re not familiar with the organization: Elderhostel: www.elderhostel.org is just what its name implies. It offers hospitality to elders. The non-profit enterprise promotes senior travel and educational journeys and experiences throughout the world. It was started 35 years ago by university faculty members who saw the advantage of utilizing campus dorms and dining facilities in the summer when students were away.

Senior Wanderer: Learn Language To Ease Way in Foreign Lands PDF Print E-mail

Jogging at dawn in Germany recently, I encountered the town policeman. “Guten tag!” I called out like a local citizen, and the answer was in perfect English, “And good morning to you, too, sir!” How he knew I was an American was a mystery to me, but I’m sure he was amused by my attempt to speak a few words in his language. Just as we appreciate visitors to our country who speak at least a few words in English, people of other lands have more respect for American tourists when we make at least a basic attempt to communicate in their language. Sometimes just a simple word of thanks, a smile and a compliment in the country’s language can go a long way.


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