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TSA Body Searches To Get Even More Invasive PDF Print E-mail

Now they’ll never fail ya, as they grab your genitalia! The Transportation Security Administration has increased its physical search procedure on air passengers. Calling it “universal pat-down”, TSA insists it “continues to adjust and refine our systems and procedures to meet the evolving threat and to achieve the highest levels of transportation security”. In other words, more crotch gotcha. So, on that next flight, be sure you and your intimate body parts are prepared for closer scrutiny.

Flying Hawgs: Will They Soon Fill The Skies? PDF Print E-mail

According to the London Daily Mail, scientists are currently working on a motorcycle that flies with all the controls of airplanes and drones. Sitting astride, the pilot can comfortably sail thru the skies, as well as take the traditional wheeling along the roads and highways. Can you imagine Brando grooving along on one of those cloud-busting 'cycles?

SpaceX May Send Private Citizens To The Moon In 2018 PDF Print E-mail

Remember when Ralph Cramden often promised his wife, Alice, a trip to the moon? Ralph’s threat may soon become a reality. According to reports, the agency that conducts missions for NASA, plans to send two private citizens on a moon-circling voyage next year.

While the passengers’ names haven’t yet been revealed, we can assume they won’t be seniors. They’ll undergo strict tests and training for the trip, and will be required to build up their wallets as well as physiques. Rumors are that the price of the trip to the moon  will be at least $200,000 each.

During the voyage passengers may hear Sinatra’s voice:
It was just one of those nights,
Just one of those fabulous flights;
A trip to the moon on gossamer wings;
Just one of those things!

How Soon They Forget: Airports Named For Heroes PDF Print E-mail

We’ve flown out of the Southern California airport named in honor of Bob Hope many times over the past several decades. Recently, as the comedian’s fame faded into history, the facility’s clueless beancounters renamed it the mundane Hollywood Burbank Airport.

There’s also John Wayne Airport, just an hour’s drive south in Santa Ana. If the trend continues, will it be renamed for that town, or maybe a more recent celebrity? Consider flying from Justin Bieber Airport.

How about another airport named for a real American Medal of Honor WW2 Navy hero, Chicago O’Hare. Will it soon be renamed Chicago O’Bama? (apostrophe intentional)

Reuters Names World’s Top Traffic-Jammed Cities PDF Print E-mail

Not surprisingly, five are in the US: Los Angeles: (1), New York City (3), San Francisco (4), Atlanta (9) and Miami (11) . Moscow (2) tops the foreign city list, followed by Bogata (5), Sao Paulo (6), London (7), Magnitogorsk (8), Paris (10) and Bangkok (12).

If your travels this year take you to any of those congested cities, reconsider doing it with your own or rented car. Weigh the costs, including finding expensive places to park. Check latest internet info on city bus routes, taxi, Uber, Lyft and other urban transportation facilities.


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