Home NEWS Robot Chefs & Waiters To Cook & Serve Meals
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Robot Chefs & Waiters To Cook & Serve Meals PDF Print E-mail

According to a recent article in the Financial Times, it’s already happening in a café at a Japanese amusement park. Further, some scientists predict there will soon be hundreds of restaurants run totally by robotic staffs in the kitchen and waiting tables.

Can you imagine what that will mean to future generations of diners? If the robot chef has a cold, will he sneeze on your steak? Will the robot waiters serve your soup with a thumb or worse in it? If you fail to tip, will your angry robot waiter chase after you down the street? After you’ve eaten your salad and wave to the robot waiter, will it ignore you as flesh-and-blood waiters always do? If the baby at the next table has an accident on yours, can the robot waiter change table cloths and/or diapers? The horrifying possibilities are endless!

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