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CNN: Sea Princess Cruise Fearful Of Pirate Attacks PDF Print E-mail

According to the news service report, the 2,000 passengers on the luxury liner were recently required to stop all activities throughout the ship from sunset to sun-up. The ban was because of potential attack on the ship by buccaneers.

The emergency action was just for 10 nights out of the 104-day round-the-world journey. The feared pirate danger areas are while the ship sailed in the Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea, Gulf of Aden and the Suez  Canal. So, if any passengers see the Jolly Roger hoisted, it’ll be yo ho ho and a bottle of rum, ye landlubbers!

Java, Indonesia: OK To Shoot Monkeys PDF Print E-mail

No, no, don’t aim your guns at Micky, Michael nor Peter of the Monkees. According to the South China Morning Post, the government of Indonesia has had enough of wild long-tailed macaques stealing food and attacking citizens.

Now, armed guards, police, military and amateur hunters are authorized to kill any monkeys who raid villages, rob and endanger citizens. If your travels take you to the Boyolali District in Central Java, don’t monkey around.

Be sure you pay a fair price for everything you buy, and maybe sing, I’m A Believer. Then you won’t make a monkey out of yourself. or worse, go ape in Java.

Queens NY: Book Trump Boyhood Home On Airbnb PDF Print E-mail

According to Town & Country, for a mere $725 a night, you can stay and sleep where the young Donald once romped. It’s not a yuuuge house, but all comfy and in a quiet neighborhood. Despite rumors, there’s no underground shelter to protect the boy Donald in the early 1950s in case of a foreign atomic attack

North Korea Unhappy About U.S. Travel Ban PDF Print E-mail

According to Al Jazeera, the Communist government still wants American tourists to visit their country. This, despite the long history of war threats by dictator Kim Jong-un and his generals that continue almost daily.

Also fresh on all American minds is the recent fatal tragedy of American student Otto Wambier. He was imprisoned for allegedly stealing a wall poster. Then, after nearly two years of abusive treatment, he was dying when the North Koreans released him.

The U.S. State Dept. officially forbids Americans from visiting the hostile country. In the opinion of most seniors, especially those of us who served in the Korean War, any American who considers going to North Korea is risking imprisonment or worse.

Amsterdam’s Red Light District Is Dimming A Bit PDF Print E-mail

Your travel4seniors.com editor always enjoys wandering thru the steamier parts of Amsterdam. With it’s historic museums, ancient cathedrals, tulip gardens and other wonders, it’s one of the most interesting cities in the world.

However, the city fathers have decided to cool down some of the racy neighborhoods, some of the hooker display windows and sex toy stores still operate. The theme of many of the retail stores is changing from sexy to arty for De Walletjes in the Centrum District. For current info, go to www.amsterdam.info/red-light-district


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