

Senior Space Traveler: Will You Go For A 2025 Moon Trip?

Jeff Bezos, top guy at Amazon, says he will have space vehicles that take passengers to the Moon. He also claims his project, called Blue Origin, will create a permanent colony on the planet.

Can you imagine spending that first evening at your lunar home? You’ll enjoy a tender moment together on the front porch with your loved one. Then you’ll say those romantic words: You look so lovely in the earthlight.

Destination spotlight: Australia's Ayers Rock PDF Print E-mail

Ayers Rock

The million-year old natural flat structure in the desert in central Australia is the result of a prehistoric earthquake. Resembling a big aircraft carrier in the middle of a red ocean, it’s a quarter-mile long and half a mile high.

Ayers Rock has been featured in many Aussie movies, along with its nearby town of Alice Springs. Before British settlers came to Australia in the 18th Century, the rock had religious significance for the native aboriginal tribes, and its original name is Uluru.

Visitors today enjoy exploring visiting the historic site, along with its many caves, waterholes and ancient “abo” wall paintings.

How to find the best deals at all-inclusive resorts PDF Print E-mail

Hotel sales signs

Off-season vacations are cheaper

Despite what the ads say, there’s really no such thing as a totally all-inclusive resort. All-inclusive means you’ll get the basic meals and lodging for one price, but other features usually cost extra. They may include a variety of taxes, tips, alcoholic drinks, spa treatments, upscale dining, excursions and other add-ons.

That said, and if you’re aware of what you may have to pay extra, all-inclusive resorts can be great bargains. Those single-pay vacations can also be more convenient when you need to put out just one price at the beginning, because you don’t have to dig for money ten times a day, as is required on all other kinds of vacation travels.


Germany: Templehof Airport now hip playground PDF Print E-mail

Stamp honoring Berlin Airlift

Postage stamp honoring Berlin Airlift

How many of us are still around who remember the glory days of Templehof Airport in Berlin, Germany?

In the 1930s and early 1940s, it was the grandiose setting for meetings by Hitler with various foreign visitors, including Neville Chamberlain’s infamous attempt to find “peace in our time”. Hitler also stsged big military events there to welcome home German athletes returning from Olympic games, as well as during WWII, when he honored heroic soldiers and airmen for their roles in Nazi conquests throughout Europe.

From 1942 through May, 1945, British and American bombers blasted the hell out of the city and virtually destroyed the airport. When Germany surrendered, Templehof was quickly restored and became a major base for Allied occupation air operations.

England: Battle of Agincourt festival PDF Print E-mail

Knights, English reenactment

Reenactors clad in authentic armor to commemorate the famed 1415 battle. Made famous by Shakespeare’s Henry V, it was a victory for the British, and assured Henry V of his kingdom in England and Northern France. Remember the stirring speech the King made before the battle?

From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remember'd;
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother.

The festival is scheduled for late October in various English locations, as well as the actual battle site in Northern France. If you’d like to experience the reenactment and other historic events, check with your favorite hometown or online travel agency.

The battle was one of many that were fought during the Hundred Year War. Hard to believe any war could last an entire century? Despite temptations, we will make no comparisons to ongoing 21st Century wars.

Tips for taking your dog on a road trip PDF Print E-mail

Dog driving car

Road trips with your dog can be a pleasant or troublesome experience. It all depends on how you prepare and conduct your own and the dog’s behavior throughout the trip. Here are some helpful tips that can make the journey pleasant for both the driver and the dog.

1. For at least a week before the long trip, give the dog familiarization rides of an hour once a day. Prepare a comfortable sitting area in the passenger or rear seat area. If the dog is nervous, leans out the window or wanders throughout the car during your test drives, firmly put the dog back in the intended seat. When the dog complies, speak cheerfully and do some reassuring petting until the dog knows to stay in place during the long ride.


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