

Williamstown KY: Landlocked Noah’s Ark Opens

Remember? Fifty years ago John Huston portrayed Noah in his epic film, The Bible ... In The Beginning. Also starring as Old Testament figures in other sequences were Ava Gardner, Peter O’Toole and George C. Scott. Russell Crowe portrayed Noah in a 2014 movie about the story.

Artists have depicted imaginative pictures of the Ark for centuries. A 500-foot (cubits?), copy-cat model of Noah’s original boat is now a sort-of amusement park for inquisitive visitors. It’s in the small Kentucky town, 40 miles south of Cincinnati, Ohio.

The $100 million replica boasts authentic on-board structures, including living quarters for the two-by-two animals and Noah’s family. They’re occupied by realistic-looking plastic figures, standing patiently as visitors snuggle up for family photos and selfies. Adult tickets are $40, seniors $31, kids $28 and under age 5 are admitted free. For more info, go to arkencounter.com

Senior Photogs Want To Go Digital In China PDF Print E-mail

Q: Next month we’re visiting China, including Beijing, Hong Kong and the Great Wall. Back a decade or so ago on previous travels, we did lots of traditional photography with film cameras. On this trip we want to get permanent memories of as many sights as we can. We want to do it with lighter, high-tech digital cameras that can also shoot video. What do you suggest?  P.B., Seattle WA

A: You can do it most conveniently with a full-service SmartPhone or similar product with sufficient memory for photos and video. Before you leave home, check out local camera stores and try the many choices.

Once you get the device, spend a week or so practicing and getting comfortable with it. Shoot everything from face close-ups to wide-screen outdoor scenes. Then display the results on your computer to check for focus, lighting, composition and other factors.

For most convenience, the SmartPhone-type is a small device you can whip out at a moment’s notice. To prevent dropping or having it stolen, be sure to use it with a wrist strap.

As they say bon voyage in Chinese ... yi fan feng shun!

My Five Favorite Movies About Senior Travel PDF Print E-mail

These are some of the most enjoyable films people of a certain age can view that feature world-wandering seniors. For your next flight, cruise or road trip, I suggest you load up one or more on your iPhone or take along DVDs and a player. They can help pass the long hours in the air, on the ocean or along the highway.

Out To Sea (1997)
Two of the screen’s most talented comedians, Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau, teamed up for several films after they starred in the Broadway-to-film hit, “The Odd Couple” (1968). This comedy was their final one, and the least appreciated by critics. However, I believe it to be one of their best, and the pair’s fumbling at-sea cruise ship adventures are hilarious.

Charlie Gordon (Matthau) and Herb Sullivan (Lemmon) sign on for a free cruise to perform as onboard escorts and dance partners for the many senior single women who typically sail alone. The guys find adventure, romance, mishaps and plenty of laughs as they attempt to fulfill their challenging tasks. (http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/out-to-sea/)

The Straight Story (1999) How often does a senior get to ride a lawnmower cross country? Based on a true story, Alvin Straight (Richard Farnsworth), a World War II veteran, is considered too elderly and frail to have a driver’s license. However, he’s determined to visit his brother one last time, a stroke victim who isn’t expected to survive.

For traveling the 240 miles from his home in Laurens, Iowa, to Mount Zion, Wisconsin, he decides to do it on a six-mile-per-hour riding mower, because it doesn't require a driver's license. How he accomplishes his task and the adventures and people he experiences along the way make for an interesting and touching travel tale. (http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/the-straight-story)

Hong Kong, China: Duckman At Times Square PDF Print E-mail

Times Square in this bustling Far East city is an enormous, nine-story office and shopping complex on Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Island. The chef prepares Peking Duck at one of the many excellent restaurants.

Yes, You Can Be Comfy In Cheap Airline Seats! PDF Print E-mail

Did you stay glassy-eyed and sitting straight-up awake all through your last cross-country flight? If you don’t want to repeat the ordeal, consider a few secrets from experts who can snooze almost anywhere at any time.

Book a red-eye: After a full eight hours at work or other heavy daytime schedule, you can crawl aboard exhausted. Then, curl up and sleep your way across the night skies.

Eat light:
A big meal before your flight will cause your stomach to keep you awake while trying to digest it.

Shot of brandy: Best sleeping pill ever, but no beer. Suds will keep you running the aisles throughout the flight.

Loose clothing: Be totally comfy and slip off your shoes.

Eye mask and noise-cancelling earphones: Put yourself in your own cocoon, oblivious to external lights and sounds. If it helps, connect your earphones to soothing music.

Get more stretch space:
Typically, red eye flights are the most likely to have unsold seats. If your fight isn’t fully booked, as soon as you board, ask the flight attendant to move you to a seat with an empty one next to it. If you’re lucky enough to be the only one in a three-across, you may be able to stretch out like the rich people up front.

Pew Survey: Do Seniors Yearn To Live More Years? PDF Print E-mail

According to the respected research institute’s recent findings, only 4% of American seniors would want to live to age 120. Euwwww, Pew! We do not agree at all! Those statistical beancounters should take another count! 

Most of our seasoned travelers we’ve talked to recently would cherish those extra years to fulfill some great bucket lists. The first response was that they’d like to spend more time with their loved ones, and then embark on exciting ventures by air, sea and land.

The list could include sticking around long enough to see the Kardashians fade into blessed obscurity, watch the Boston Red Sox win another World Series, be in London to celebrate Queen Elizabeth’s 100th jubilee and attend Wayne Newton’s 90th annual Las Vegas on-stage performance.

Additionally, even if it seems forever just a dream, some elder voters hope to survive long enough to see the end of war, crime, poverty and disease. And by the way, we’d want to witness the election of honest and intelligent politicians. Of course, that wish may be a total impossibility.

Additionally, to live that long could also cause some heartache. As Mel Brooks’ famous 2,000-year-old man once kvetched: I have children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren. And not one of them ever even picks up the phone to call me!


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