

Amsterdam, Holland: Mayor Says Respect Hookers

The woman leader of the city recently called for tourists to cool it in the famous red-light district. She insists the gawkers make it "unpalatable" and "humiliating" for the so-called sex workers. Over 20 million visitors now come to Amsterdam annually, compared to just 10 million in 2000.

Of course, the ladies of the night pose in their brightly-lit shop windows to hustle up business, and in Amsterdam are as legal as any other. And if they are as attractive to gawking, selfie tourists as the Mona Lisa and Girl With The Pearl Earring, so be it.

Savvy Seniors Avoid Airborne Germs On Flights PDF Print E-mail

Ways to keep those evil little germs from getting at you in the sky? You've gotta be kidding. Just ask anyone who has flown from New York to London or similar eons-long air journey while squeezed into a five-across row of sardine-can sized seating units. They'll know that Murphy's Law too often kicks in for the haplessly trapped, formerly healthy flyer.

Worst scenarios: Seated on one side will be an old sneezer with a bad cold and big red nose that could easily guide Santa's sleigh. He'll spend the flight coughing, dripping and spritzing. Of course, he'll turn his head each time he explodes... right into your face.

Alcatraz Island CA: Visit Where Al Capone Bunked PDF Print E-mail

Your travel4seniors.com editor on the road. Scene from the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco Bay. For visitor info, go to www.nps.gov/alca

Las Vegas NV: Beyond Casinos, 5 Great Natural Areas PDF Print E-mail

For senior Sin City sojourners who’d like to escape from the casinos for a day or two, there are some beautiful natural locations, all within a one-hour drive from downtown Las Vegas.

Lake Mead: Mother Nature didn’t create this beautiful area, just 30  minutes from Las Vegas . The 112-mile long Lake Mead was man-made as a reservoir in the 1930s Hoover Dam project.

For Seeking Seniors: Best Singles Bars in Manhattan PDF Print E-mail

Autumn breezes often bring a chill along Broadway and Fifth Avenue. However, for those who want to make warm connections, there are inviting bars in the Big Apple where eligible seasoned single travelers and local residents can escape the cold while turning up the emotional heat.

For those seasoned seekers on the prowl, here are some suggestions:

Spitzer’s Corner: 101 Rivington St., NY NY 10002, spitzerscorner.com. This Lower East Side tavern calls itself a gastropub, which means a combination of cozy bar and tasty food. When it gets crowded, often just after sundown, patrons find themselves crammed together into tight wooden benches.

Tips: Newly Retirees' First Trip Abroad PDF Print E-mail

Guest Senior Wanderer PGL, Cambridge MA: When I retired ten years ago, my spouse and I fulfilled our plans to do a lot of travel. By air, sea and road, over the past decade, we’ve visited scores of world destinations.

However, at first, it wasn’t all that successful. We wasted money, ignored safety rules, ate in the wrong places, slept in overpriced hotels and made other not-so-smart decisions. Eventually, we learned by trial and error. If you’re newly- or soon-to-be-retired and plan to travel extensively, these tips may help make your trips safer, cheaper and more and enjoyable.


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