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Is It OK For Us To Set Up A Home-Swap Arrangement? PDF Print E-mail

Q: We retired last year, and with kids grown up and gone, we’re rattling around in our big, four-bedroom home. We also have a pool and putting green. We’re not ready to sell, and intend to do a lot of world traveling, but don’t want to pay sky-high hotel prices.

We’ve heard about home swapping, and would like to spend time in nice, quiet houses in England, Scotland, France, Italy, Germany etc. What do you think of the idea? Mrs. PFO’R, Atlanta GA

A: There are on-line agencies that offer home swap deals around the world. Get in touch with some, such as Intervac Home Exchange and HomeLink. For a fee they’ll set up contacts and give you info about homes, locations, local features, costs, security and other details.

Q: Unwanted Advances In Flight: What Do I Do About It? PDF Print E-mail

It seems almost every day lately we read about more incidents where women passengers are mauled by sneaky guys seated next to them. What should we do when it happens? Ms. FWMcL, Tampa FL

A: If it’s just too-friendly conversation and you don’t want it, offer a few polite words and concentrate on the seat TV or your smart phone. If his talk offends you and it becomes physical, clearly demand him to stop. Then leave your seat to contact the flight attendant. State the problem and ask for another seat. If the abuse was physical, file a formal complaint with the airline and/or report it to airport police after the flight.

Q: We’re Visiting London And Paris For The First Time And... PDF Print E-mail

As concerned seniors, we have a very basic worry about foreign toilets. When the need for a bathroom happens while on a city street, what do we do? Mrs. PRL, St. Louis MO

A: Before you stroll, be sure you have some of that country’s coins on you for available coin-operated toilets. Use your smartphone to get into apps, such as Flush. It’s free with a map locating nearest public toilets. Also, Freepee.org lists free public toilets in many world cities. Another basic tip: Carry a small soap bar or tube along with disposable tissues.

Q&A: Safety For Single Senior Woman Traveling Alone PDF Print E-mail

Q: I’m a retired teacher and want to travel by myself. It gives me total independence and freedom to set my own pace. I’ve gone with groups, but gave up due to restrictive schedules, boring companions and other bothers. What’s your opinion on a single, 67-year-old senior woman seeing the world by myself? Ms MML, Boston MA

A: We strongly suggest you travel with at least one healthy companion. This is necessary where current conditions may be dangerous. While planning, search online for crime rates, political unrest and other reasons to be cautious or stay away.

When checking in, ask the hotel host about current safety conditions. When in public, especially crowded areas, keep your purse safe under an elbow with shoulder strap. Secure phone or camera, and wrap the straps around a wrist. Obey safety rules, and keep your companion close at all times.

Q: Is It Still Worthwhile To Use Travel Agents PDF Print E-mail

During my work career, I did a lot of business travel and always used an agency. Now, as a retiree and with all the available online resources, I’m considering doing all the research and booking myself. Opinion? LJMcC, PhilaPA

A: Of course, you may be able do it yourself. However, if you still travel frequently, remember how your hometown agent helped when you were stuck in the airport because an airline booted you off a flight. Or when you arrived at a hotel and your booked room wasn’t available. Agents are involved daily with the constantly-changing realities of travel, and are available by phone or email 24-7 to help when you need them.


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