Home FEATURES PHOTOS Vintage Airline Poster From the 1940s
Vintage Airline Poster From the 1940s PDF Print E-mail

The way it was. Regular cross-country air travel began shortly after the end of World War II. Round-trip fares from New York to San Francisco cost about $400. With the average annual family income less than $4,000, few could afford them except the very wealthy.

However, there were extra benefits not found today. There was no charge for checked luggage, and full-course meals and drinks were included. They were served by stewardesses who had college degrees in nursing.

There were no pre-boarding security lines that required shoes off, baggage searches and body searches.

However, not everything was better then. Instead of same-level walk-on ramps to the aircraft door, passengers had to hike up a steep flight of stairs to go aboard. Also, smoking was permitted, and chances of the guy next to you puffing on a cigar were high.

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