

Koff! Koff! Stay In Smoke-Free Comfort Inn & Suites

All of the national chain’s 1,700 motels are now 100% smoke-free. If you’re tired of walking through smoky hallways to get to your no-smoking room, smelling burnt tobacco at the pool and being surrounded by offensive smokers in the dining room, seek out an air fresh Comfort Inn on your next travel schedule.

Should There Be a Maximum Age Limit For U.S. Drivers? PDF Print E-mail
With nothing better to do, lawmakers in some states want to force people to give up their drivers’ licenses at age 80. They claim those seniors all have diminished eyesight and their slowed-down reactions make them dangers on the road.

If You Think Politicians Are Crooked, See San Francisco's Lombard Street PDF Print E-mail
The thought I always have when I see that crazy block of Lombard Street is: people who live in these houses must be really tired of seeing hordes of tourists and creeping cars jam their street every hour of every day, and late nights, too.
For Your Next Trip, Try Home-Swap Instead of Hotel-$$$$ PDF Print E-mail
Hotel rooms per night: Tokyo $400, Miami $375, Paris $350, London $300, Singapore $275, Rome $250, Los Angeles $240, Barcelona $225, Dublin $200. Add 15 to 20% tax, plus currency charge, plus, plus. We live in Arizona, surrounded by desert saguaro cacti, and in recent years when we’ve traveled to Europe, we’ve swapped houses with people from Ireland, Geneva and Bonn. No problems and we’ve gained some new foreign friends.
Flying is Now Such an Expensive Hassle; Why Not Take a Bus? PDF Print E-mail
You know the airport check-in routine by heart now. You get there two hours early, then go through one or two security lines, show your driver’s license and boarding pass, take off your shoes, lift and put everything you own into a plastic box and watch it disappear into the x-ray tunnel.
If You're Retired, Be Inspired About Off-Price Flight and Hotel Deals PDF Print E-mail
If your 9 to 5 (or 8 am to whatever) job slavery days are over and you have all the time in the world, look before you book. You should already know that flights and some hotels raise their prices sky high on weekends and holidays.

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