Avoid Expensive Airport Parking When Flying Round Trip PDF Print E-mail

The costs now keep going up. In olden days you paid $10 daily to leave your car at the airport garage while you flew away and returned. Now, daily charges, especially at major airports such as JFK and LAX, can be $40 and up. So, if you spend two weeks on business, touring or visiting relatives, expect to add at least another $560 to your travel costs.

You can avoid the heavy charges and airport hassles of the busy parking garage by going from home to the airport by train, bus, taxi, Lyft or Uber. It may cost $100 total for the round trip, but your wallet and nervous system will thank you for the decision.

Three Ways To Try For The Lowest Airline Ticket Prices PDF Print E-mail

We daily see all kinds of advice in airline ads and by online travel experts. Savvy senior travelers may get some benefits from reading them. However, the basic reality is that airlines are in business to make money, and they do everything possible, usually in sneaky words, to get you to pay more for that temporary seat in the sky.

The basic ways you can attempt to keep some of your money are: buy tickets online directly from the airline, study details of ever-changing airline ads for days before you buy and/or deal with a trusted hometown travel agent. With all the obvious and sneaky airline add-ons, you’re very likely to pay more than you want. However, you can at least have the satisfaction of doing your homework.

To Live Longer, Get Away From Stress And Enjoy Travel! PDF Print E-mail

According to the London Sunday Times, taking three weeks off a year could lengthen your life, giving still-working senior roamers another reason to get out and see the world.

People who took less than three weeks off work annually, say the scientists, were 37% more likely to die early. Even if you’re health-conscious, working too hard and not taking time to travel will shorten your life. So, hit the road, air and sea now!

Senior RVers: Autumn Overnight In Enjoyable Surroundings PDF Print E-mail

Similar to the popularity of Airbnb, where travelers stay in private homes, Harvest Hosts offer RVers similar deals. For an annual membership fee of $49, you can click in to park your rig for an evening at a winery, farm, colorful garden, forest, museum, historic estate and other interesting destinations. For info, go to harvesthosts.com

Visiting NYC, LA Or Vegas, But Hotel Rates Are Sky High! PDF Print E-mail

Your hometown and online travel agency may quote $450 or more for that last-minute reservation for just one night or so in the big city. Before you agree to shell out all that moola for just eight hours in a strange bed, check around the internet for apps that get much better deals.

For example, Hotel-Tonght offers its Daily Drop service. It lists up-to-the-minute room deals that appear and disappear quickly as hotels check out departing guests. That’s when room rates may drop. For more info, go to hoteltonight.com


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