Home TIPS Ten health tips for before boarding and during flights
Ten health tips for before boarding and during flights PDF Print E-mail

1. Use the airport restroom before boarding. If the flight is delayed on the tarmac, onboard facilities may not be available for an hour or more. We seniors can only keep our legs crossed for a limited time.

2. Eat sensibly before boarding. Heavy meals, especially highly-spiced and gassy ones, tend to make flying uncomfortable, and unpleasant for your seatmate.

3. Go easy on the booze in the airport bar. Too often, the frustrations of a long flight delay result in too many alcoholic drinks. Just one is enough, while two is more than enough. Three can cause all kinds of trouble during the flight.

Champagne glass


4. On long flights, put your shoes on when you need to go to the restroom. Bumpy flights, poor aim and lots of people traffic over the hours may make the restroom floor very scuzzy.

5. There’s always some hysteria about a new type of flu, so be sure to take your own supply of sanitary throw-away wet towels, preferably those soaked with medicated solutions. Wipe your hands and face frequently, as well as seat arms and items in the aircraft bathroom.

6. Carry a tube or small plastic bottle of antibacterial ointment with you. Rubbing a small amount on your nostrils and around your mouth and eyes could help when the same fouled air is being recirculated for the 10th time into the aircraft cabin.

7. If you really fear the flu, wear a face mask throughout the flight. It may not help keep away the flu bugs, but it’ll be a good excuse not to have a long conversation with that boring, coughing, sneezing passenger in the next seat. (weak attempt at humor)

8. Be sure there’s a clean barf bag in the pocket in front of you. You may be an experienced flyer, but you never know about that nervous woman in the seat next to you.

9. If you’re allergic to dust, cats, dogs and/or pollen, bring your allergy medicine. Many airlines now allow small pet carriers in passenger compartments, and one full of a ball of fur may be under the seat next to you.

10. Keep moving, especially on those long, overseas flights. Get out of your seat at least once an hour to find a place beyond the passenger seats near a bulkhead to exercise and stretch. If you can do that and clean up a bit before the flight lands, you’ll look all fresh and eager. Well, at least better than all the other bedraggled passengers.


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