Home TIPS Humor: Seven Suggested Summer Savings
Humor: Seven Suggested Summer Savings PDF Print E-mail

What a coincidence! The price of gas is pumping up again just when heavy summer driving begins. However, there are ways you can beat the high cost of hitting the road by taking just a few simple steps:
1. Get a camel. Those greedy Middle East oil barons now all drive Mercedes and Lamberghinis and will gladly sell you their beasts.
2. Control that fuel-guzzling road hog. Keep your joyriding teenaged descendants at home.

Old touring car


3. Don’t use auto air conditioning. Drive with your head out the window along with your dog. But watch out for the saliva.
4. If you really want to avoid excess gas, don’t eat in any roadside Mexican restaurant that has a big sign: CHEAPO TACOS.
5. Drive to a casino. After they finish taking every nickel you have, your car will be repossessed. Then, you’ll be in better shape, because you’ll be doing a lot of walking from that moment on.
6. Put an inflatable dummy of the opposite sex in the passenger seat of your car, so you’ll be able to use the freeway fast lanes. Also, if you’re single and real lonely, it’ll save considerable expense in buying booze, flowers and candlelight dinners.
7.  Don’t drink and drive. If you’re really determined to wreck your car, you can do it just as easily by simultaneously lighting up a joint while listening to rock music, checking your global positioning system, playing grab it with your date, watching mini-TV and twittering on your Blackberry.


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