Home TIPS Traveling Senior Discounts: Always Ask For Them
Traveling Senior Discounts: Always Ask For Them PDF Print E-mail

With the ever-expanding internet, competition forces businesses to face heavier competition. It applies to trains, planes, restaurants, museums, theaters and just about everything else that may affect your travel costs. The lower prices for seniors may be in effect for just one day, or always available when you speak up and ask.

Therefore, savvy seniors should always seek discounts, even if you don't see them posted in the ads. Then, you may be surprised how much money you can save. And they may apply beyond the US borders. The British call discounts concessions and pensioner's rates. In French it’s remises senior and Spanish descuentos para personas mayores.

When visiting non-English-speaking countries, memorize the local phrase for requesting senior discounts. Also, write it on a slip of paper and flash it at the hotel front desk, airport counter, store, restaurant and wherever else you want to save some senior moolah.

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