Home TIPS On-The-Road Health Tips For Savvy Senior Travelers
On-The-Road Health Tips For Savvy Senior Travelers PDF Print E-mail

Getting to the airport took an hour, the flight was hours long and cab ride to the city was tiresome. After checking in, all you could do was flop down in your hotel room bed. Get a healthy eight-hour snooze.

Tho the temptation is to stay in bed, rise early to do some healthy activities the next morning. Go out for an hour of brisk walking, maybe mix some jogging into your pace. Not only will it give you a chance to see city sights before the streets become busy, it will also pump your body and mind with renewed energy.

After a fast-paced hour or two, rest while eating a healthy restaurant breakfast. Juice, fruit and a scrambled egg should give you energy for the rest of the morning hours. Go easy on the fatty and sweet menu. As you later tour the city, mix in some serious hiking before you go back to your hotel. For each hour hiked, spend five minutes resting on a park bench, hotel lobby and/or quick afternoon nap in your room. Then, enjoy an evening at the theater or club.

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