Home TIPS Los Angeles: 92-Year-Old Man Beaten While On Daily Walk
Los Angeles: 92-Year-Old Man Beaten While On Daily Walk PDF Print E-mail

According to the LA Times, his offense was accidentally brushing into a gang member on a crowded city sidewalk. Hit many times with a brick, he’s now in the hospital with a concussion, broken cheekbone and multiple bruises.

Your travel4seniors.com editor is the same age, and I hike along city streets twice a day. Not beaten yet, but I’ve been confronted by gangbangers, homeless, mentally ill and other potential sudden enemies. My advice to elderly travelers and other walkers is to avoid trouble in your wanderings. Stay in well-traveled areas and avoid after-dark hikes on city streets.

If you’re in a city area, whether New York, Tokyo or Rome, with a reputation for possible attack, protect yourself. Be sure you have a charged smartphone handy and carry a small can of pepper spray. Also, if age is slowing you down, do your walks with at least one younger companion.

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