Home TIPS How to meet someone new on your travels
How to meet someone new on your travels PDF Print E-mail

Some seniors may be confusing TRAVEL55PLUS with eHarmony or Ann Landers, because we’ve been getting some travel questions we had never expected. Becuase we are a service for senior travelers, we’ve also become a resource for world travelers with very personal questions. And many of them are about love, amour, amore, liebe, rabu and lyubof.

Maybe the kind of questions we get are because many now-older American women are veterans of the battles for equality back in the 1950s and 1960s. They’ve had significant careers, and now financially independent, they travel when and where they choose. Many are widowed or divorced, and like single (or pretending to be single) male travelers, they’re seeking companionship adventures.

Couple in art gallery


Many single women travelers worry about stranger dangers. They tell us they always turn away local men who make moves on them, immediately labeling the guys as mashers, con men and/or thieves. They ask us how to meet men in such romantic lands as England, Ireland, Spain, Scotland, France and Italy who are, to apply an infrequently unused old term, gentlemen.

Well, since you asked, here are some basic rules for meeting men in foreign lands. The best way, of course, is to be introduced first by someone or situation you know and trust. Examples are at business meetings, training/educational programs and other planned events. For more adventuresome meetings, go to art galleries, cultural events, plays, operas and classical music events.

A teacher friend of ours, a sharp 58-year-old divorcee, met a British college prof at a performance of “Romeo and Juliet” at the Old Vic in London. The drama must have had a profound effect on both of them. We went to their wedding this year.

When you feel a mutual attraction at such a first meeting, never reveal where you are staying or anything personal about yourself, except maybe exchange email addresses or cell phone numbers. Agree only to a drink, lunch or dinner and then go your separate ways.

At least for a day or two.

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