Home TIPS Should We Explore All of Our Country Before Going Abroad?
Should We Explore All of Our Country Before Going Abroad? PDF Print E-mail

Actually, the question has no pat answer. There’s certainly no lack of for and against opinions on this, but no real right or wrong way to go. Each of us must make up our own mind. However, for various reasons, I advocate Americans should explore their own country before venturing overseas.

Considering the unsettled international situation today, the widespread violence and America's somewhat crumbling standing throughout the world, those aspects alone should make any American think twice before venturing overseas. Here in America there are unlimited opportunities for safe and enjoyable travel, whether you're a backpacker on a limited budget to a luxury vacationer with an unlimited bankroll.

Bryce Canyon


Another aspect is the worsening financial situation in American business. It’s causing many cut-backs in manufacturing and retail, and the travel industry has been hit hard by cancellations and fewer new reservations. Consider it patriotic or just common good sense for Americans to support our own travel industry by spending our money here.

So, how do I list the wonders of America for travelers? Let's first consider the natural beauties: national parks, Grand Canyon, California-Oregon- Washington coastlines, Rocky Mountains, Arizona deserts, beaches of Hawaii, Florida Keys, California Redwoods, Texas' Padre Island, Cape Cod and many, many other beautiful destinations.

For man-made wonders, consider New York City, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Nashville, the St. Louis Arch, San Diego, Washington D.C. and Boston. For fun, there’s Walt Disney World, Branson, Hollywood, Las Vegas and many others.

In time of troubles, most of us travelers always believe the best place to be is home. And home means America. Therefore, as Irving Berlin wrote in “God Bless America”,

“From the mountains, to the prairies,
To the oceans, white with foam
God bless America,
My home sweet home.”

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