Home TIPS Sr Flyers: How To Breeze Through Airport Security
Sr Flyers: How To Breeze Through Airport Security PDF Print E-mail

If done right, at least you may avoid some of the usual snail’s pace process. Here are some suggestions for easing your way through security:

1. Wear easy-off shoes or sandals. Nothing so awkward in the security line is when you’re juggling tickets, purses, computers, tickets and other stuff. Then need to stoop over to pry off footwear. Make it a bit less inconvenient if you can get barefoot in a hurry. 2. Wear a jacket or vest with lots of pockets when boarding. Have all papers and other documents ready to be displayed at the security line, check-in desk and aircraft entry.

3. We know all the gripes about body scans, and how they’re getting more embarrassing as new probes are applied. When you must go through the ordeal, keep calm and courteous. The security guard is just doing a job, and has seen and heard it all before. Follow the rules, and you may get through more quickly.

4. Know the no-nos about articles you can’t carry through security, and be sure to leave it in checked bags. Be sure your laptop is in an approved bag with easy-open flap in case it’s inspected.

5. For your own peace of mind, get to the airport early, so the ordeal won’t also include running to a boarding gate that has just closed in your face. Be early, not sorry.

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