Home TIPS Seniors Be Alert For Possible Terrorist Attacks
Seniors Be Alert For Possible Terrorist Attacks PDF Print E-mail

Visiting Correspondent WLG, Denver CO: The recent terror bombings in New York are putting everyone on alert. In today's dangerous world, there's always the chance you'll be at the wrong place at the wrong time during travels. It happened to two senior friends visiting Paris a year ago.

They were out for dinner along the boulevard when the frightening incident happened just a few city blocks away. They survived by using common sense. As soon as they heard explosions, they quickly got behind a barrier and lay flat on the ground. If it happens to you, hit the floor, arms  over your head and stay there. A favorite tactic of terrorists is to set off a second bomb nearby just minutes later, to catch rescue workers and police arriving to help. When all is clear, leave the area as quickly as possible.

Before you make travel plans, get latest info about potential trouble spots, and take them off your itinerary. For U.S. citizens, info about areas to avoid is updated daily on the official U.S. State Department website: travel.state.gov/travel

If traveling with children, give them specific info before leaving home, and conduct frequent practice sessions on what to do in emergencies. Today, in Israeli communities near hostile borders, all family members are thoroughly trained to protect themselves when danger strikes. With frequent practice, traveling seniors, kids and adults should be able to react quickly and effectively in an emergency.

When you see armed police or soldiers arriving nearby, get away quickly. If close to a large political rally or noisy protest march, don't be curious about it. Get away quickly. If a terrorist attack occurs near by, as soon as you’re safe, notify family back home so they won’t worry.

As a general rule, when traveling, don't look and act obviously like unaware tourists. Wear modest clothing appropriate to the area and speak quietly. And always be on the alert for possible trouble.

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