Home TIPS Facing Hours Of Airport Delays: Be Prepared
Facing Hours Of Airport Delays: Be Prepared PDF Print E-mail

You sit there fuming. Somewhere out on your expected flight it’s snowing hard, and chances are you’ll be stuck for hours until they can dig out. Try to pass the time by keeping busy and/or just plain snoozing. All you need is some handy stuff with you.

1. Stay in touch with updated airport schedules and the rest of the world. Your smartphone is your connection with what’s happening. Make sure it’s always fully charged and on.

2. Your smartphone, tablet or laptop allows you to do business work, play games, write, email, research, study, watch TV, listen to music and get the latest news. You can also see a movie and do almost anything else to help pass the dragging time.

3. Bring a digital Ebook reader with lighted pages. It’s cheap, and can hold dozens of purchased or rented novels, thrillers and historical biographies.  

4. If airport stores are open, shop and snack. If all closed, go into your carry-on bag for snacks you packed: peanut butter crackers, pretzels, jerky, packaged dried fruit and candy. If you haven’t yet gone through security, bottled water will help wash it all down.

5. For many delayed air travelers, sleep is the best way to pass the long waits. Try to snooze on the uncomfortable plastic seats and benches. Better still, find an out-of-the way, clean floor space where you can go flat and get some real sleep.

For that purpose, dig into your carry-on and get out a heavy jacket, visor cap and sleep mask. Smartphone with earphones can provide sleep-inducing music. Cover your eyes and snooze away. Make sure you don’t sleep so soundly that you won’t hear a PA announcement that your flight is boarding and will depart in five minutes.


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