Home TIPS Travel Healthy: Don't Bring Colds and Flu Home
Travel Healthy: Don't Bring Colds and Flu Home PDF Print E-mail

Many seasoned wanderers brag they've had the proper flu shots, drink orange juice and do the usual precautions to prevent infection. Most of all, they also insist inoculation keeps away the nasty bug.

Actually, according to recent reports by the Center For Disease Control, flu vaccines are effective for no more than 65 percent. The simple fact is that being on cramped airplanes, waiting rooms, trains, and buses brings us in too-close physical contact with people and objects full of flu germs. And infections happen. When we rush through crowded airports, wait in long security lines, and sit in cramped airline seats, potential exposure to colds and flu is always there. You’re vulnerable when sick people cough and sneeze nearby, and their germs thrive on seats, door handles, toilets, sinks, railings, and everywhere else. Consider some savvy suggestions that could help you prevent catching the flu during autumn and winter travels.

On flights, bring packs of disposable medicated wet wipes. Use them on areas where your hands touch. Before eating, wash with soap or use wet wipes. Keep hand sanitizer wipes with you and constantly use them throughout the journey.

Try to minimize being in crowded waiting rooms by finding private spaces. Stand or sit along an isolated wall or hallway, as close to fresh air space as you can find.
Once aboard and settled on an airplane, bus, or train seat, you may find your seatmate continuously sneezes or coughis. Before departure, get up and find another seat. If you have to pay more, accept the charge.

Pillows and blankets provided on flights may have been used by many people before they're replaced or cleaned. Bring your own aboard or do without them.

On long trips, passengers constantly walk the aisles and use the bathrooms. Because of obviously dirty floors, especially in bathrooms, always keep your shoes on.

When arriving home, immediately empty your suitcase in the open air, then spray the inside with disinfectant. Also, wash all clothing used in your travels. Finally, if you return from your trip with the sniffles or worse, see your doctor as soon as possible.

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