Home TIPS Dealing With Street Beggars During Your Travels
Dealing With Street Beggars During Your Travels PDF Print E-mail

It’s a growing problem for seniors as they roam the world. They’re approached by more and more shabby street people in popular tourist areas. It includes New York’s Times Square, Hollywood Boulevard, London’s Trafalgar Square, Rome’s Spanish Steps and many other familiar locations.

Adding to the problem is the enormous uprooting of African and Middle East refugee groups now roaming European cities. How should you respond? Despite an immediate reaction of frustration when they approach for a handout, senior travelers can actually show empathy and offer help.

In most cases when begging for handouts, the expectation is money. For those actually in distress, such as families with small children, a cash offering is appropriate. However, when the homeless beggar is obviously a long-term drug and/or alcohol user, a gift of money is questionable. It may be used only to support the addictive lifestyle of addicts and their suppliers.

We at travel4seniors.com offer a suggestion for when you encounter addicted street people. As you roam popular city tourist areas where beggars are most likely to approach, you may opt to show kindness in non-monetary ways.

Carry pre-purchased sandwiches, fresh fruit and other food items to hand out. Your gift may not get effusive thanks, but you’ll have the comfort of knowing you’ve helped in the most positive way.


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