Home TIPS Getting Lucky on a Single Seniors Cruise
Getting Lucky on a Single Seniors Cruise PDF Print E-mail

You’re lonesome and want to experience new people and scenery. If you're willing to take that special seniors’ only sailing you’ve been considering, here are basic tips to help you find romance at sea.

No matter how youthful you think you look, it’s best to sign up for a cruise featuring your own age group. Make sure all other features of the program are what you want and a destination you’d like to experience. While researching the singles cruise scene, be aware of the many varieties: ethnic, religious, gay, cougar and other special sailings you may want to join or avoid. If it's your first cruise and fear a queasy stomach, be careful. Despite the fact that modern cruise ships don't roll around like the Mayflower, seasickness does happen to some landlubbers. Just to make sure, take along anti-seasickness pills and other meds your doctor prescribes.

Even if you don’t get seasick, be aware of the eat-til-you-burst buffets and midnight chocolate fests. Watch the booze intake, too. Moderation in everything, except snuggling with your new conquest, is best on your first cruise.

When you meet that special new one, don't come on too strong with an obviously phony line and personal history. Go easy, be considerate and nature will take it's course. If you're truthful, you won't have to remember the routine you made up.

While cruising is one of the safest ways to meet new people, consider what you want to do about your new friend when the cruise is over. If either of you has been fibbing about career, financial situation, marriage or other facts, a follow-up land-based romance will probably fail.

Also, if you live in New Jersey and your new-found love resides in California, the shipboard fire you lit will soon be extinguished. Emails are no substitute for cheek-to-cheek. For more info on senior singles cruises, consult with your local travel agent and/or check out the many websites that advertise that service.

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