Home TIPS Tips On Long, Safe Road Trips With Your Dog
Tips On Long, Safe Road Trips With Your Dog PDF Print E-mail

OK, you just gotta take Fido with you. He wouldn’t be happy caged in a kennel. Also, since it’ll be a long, lonesome highway journey, you’ll appreciate the companionship. However, many dogs suddenly taken from familiar surroundings and jammed into a moving car will react with fright, nervousness and upset bodily functions.

There are some things you can do to avoid doggy distress during a long drive and make it more pleasant for both you and Fido.

Practice Makes Perfect:
Before embarking on the trip, do some short ones for an hour or so. Make them pleasant, with dog treats as reward for good behavior. If Fido is tiny and sometimes sits on your lap as you drive, it shouldn’t ever happen, especially on long road trips.

Comfy Car: Take Fido’s familiar chew toy, blanket and pad, with a pan of fresh water on the car floor. If you’re not using the heater or air conditioner, be sure windows are open slightly for fresh air, but not enough for Fido to jump or fall out.

Pit Stops And Exercise: On those loooong road trips, stop at least once about every 90 minutes. In addition to necessary pit stops, take Fido on a leash to explore some nearby greenery. Never let Fido roam free in unfamiliar areas, because strange exhaust sounds, other dogs and people could be frightening enough for yours to run away.

Conclusion: When taking Fido on a long road trip, just use common sense and consideration for safety, comfort and health. For more info, go to www.aspca.org


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