Home TIPS How to keep trim on all-you-can-eat cruise
How to keep trim on all-you-can-eat cruise PDF Print E-mail


The food is there and everywhere on a cruise, all very attractive and available nearly every hour of the day and evening. You’re on vacation. Live it up! The brisk sea air enhances your appetite. So why not enjoy it all, plus more, and then some?

According to travel statistics, the average adult gains a pound a day on a cruise. Think of what you’d drag home after a three-week voyage. Despite the temptations, there are ways to keep from gaining weight on a cruise.

1. It’s OK to try the buffet, and you can enjoy all the delish varieties. Just take small portions of healthy salads, vegetables (including Popeye’s cooked or raw spinach), lean meat, seafood and poultry. Stay away from deep fried anything. Go easy on fatty meats, gravy, bread, butter, cookies and cakes. Make it a fresh piece of fruit for dessert and between-meal snacks.

2. You know doggone well you won’t follow tip #1, so cheat a bit on the food. Have that nice slice of cherry pie, but then work off all the potential pounds by being active.

3. Spend at least an hour a day exercising while at sea, maybe in three 20-minute sessions. Get up early and do some walking or jogging. When the pool isn’t full of screaming kids, do some laps. When the ship visits ports, do some vigorous walking tours.

Go home from your cruise satisfied with the shipboard amenites, but still the slim, trim person who came aboard.

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