Home YOU ASK - WE ANSWER Some Senior Travelers Cheat At Airport Check-in
Some Senior Travelers Cheat At Airport Check-in PDF Print E-mail

Q: In my 80s, I still enjoy roaming the world. Because of severe arthritis, I now require a wheelchair to get from the airport garage to the check-in line and on to the boarding door. Usually allowed to board first. I’m OK with help from a travel companion or airport valet.

However, it seems lately that more and more older passengers, some younger than me, arrive at security in airport wheelchairs. Then, when we’re all aboard, I notice those fakers suddenly can walk and move freely unaided.

This is particularly bothersome on Southwest and other no-reserved-seat airlines. The fakers not only grab the best seats, but also can stow their carry-ons without worrying about crowded overhead bins. Can anything be done to keep those wheelchair fakers from lying their way aboard? They deny really handicapped people from finding comfortable seats and overhead space. RLU, San Antonio TX

A: There’s not much a passenger can do about it. Some airlines have taken steps to prevent these fakes by requiring wheelchair-bound passengers to provide written proof of disability. A doctor’s note specifying your physical limitations to show security and air crew may help if you have an aircraft seating problem.

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