Home YOU ASK - WE ANSWER How to keep from losing kids at the theme park
How to keep from losing kids at the theme park PDF Print E-mail

Q: We’ve volunteered to take our two grandkids to Walt Disney World, and we’re concerned about their safety. They’re very active six-year-old twins, and we’re afraid they’ll wander off in the crowds. We can’t easily chase them nor put them on leashes, but what can we do? F.M.S., Dresher PA

A: It could be a hot summer day at Walt Disney World, but your blood turns ice cold when you realize one or both of your 6-year-old have vanished. Here are a few quick suggestions on what to do if it happens in the happiest, but often most crowded place on Earth:

1. Clothing: Put distinctively colored clothing on the kids, including bright hats. That will make them easier for you to spot in the crowded park. Additionally, put labels in their clothing printed with your name and cell phone number.

2. Photo IDs: Use your cell phone or other electronic camera to shoot photos of the kids as you start the day. In that way, if the kids get lost, you can show security people images to make lost kids easier to find. 

3. Try to keep the kids in your sight at all times. It’s OK when they’re actually in seats on a ride, but otherwise be sure they know you’re monitoring them.

4. Use the buddy system to prevent them from being separated. Have the twins hold hands whenever and wherever they roam.

5. If you lose sight of them, stay calm. Disney has very tight security, including many live cameras. First, if you note one twin or both missing, look around your immediate area. Most likely they’ll reappear in a couple of seconds.

6. If you can’t find the kids, look for a uniformed employee and report what happened. They will set off a search by trained security staff, and very quickly the kids will be rounded up and returned to you.

WDW deals with lost kids every day. Do everything possible to prevent it from happening to your twins, but also know that you’ll almost certainly have a trouble-free time together.


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