Home NEWS What’s Your Senior Bucket List If Doomsday Looms?
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What’s Your Senior Bucket List If Doomsday Looms? PDF Print E-mail

Famed physicist Stephen Hawking recently predicted what he calls Starmus. He says that not just Earth, but the entire universe will some day totally self-destruct. And it could happen at any time ...a big bang... followed by nothingness.

With that sad fate in mind, we asked some of our most active senior travelers to choose how they’d spend that final moment. Some responses may amaze and/or amuse you: PLC, Phoenix AZ: I’d go to Las Vegas and play the most expensive slot machines, betting the max amount on each pull. With my ¶∆§£§ luck, I’d hit the multi-million-dollar jackpot just seconds before the big bang happened.

AMT, Baltimore MD:
I’d go to Honolulu and sit on the sand at Waikiki Beach, sip a Mai Tai (translation: out of this world) and watch the sun set forever. Whenever I’ve been there before, I thought I already was in heaven.

LBL, Waco TX:
I’d be in England with a bunch of friends, drinking spiked tea and eating bangers on the banks of the Thames River. At the moment it happens, we’d raise our glasses to sing what our last view would be: London bridges falling down.

FMS, Boston MA:
I’d borrow $250,000 to buy a seat to go with all the rich people on Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic spaceship. Hey, if it can make it out of Earth’s atmosphere, maybe we’d have a chance to survive on some nearby planet. Anyway, I’d never have to pay the money back.

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