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Sequester Pester: Twisted Flight Schedules Predicted PDF Print E-mail

Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano reported that government budget tightenings are already presenting problems in the air travel industry. It’s because of possible orders to reduce TSA staffing and overtime, as well as hiring freezes. She says they’re starting to cause delays in some of the busiest U.S.  airports.

At the same time, many major airport authorities are denying the claim, and say all is going as normal. That is, if you consider long departure waits and late arrivals as normal. Of course, the so-called sequester plan to reduce spending throughout the federal system hasn’t yet hit with full force. When it does, and if it requires severe personnel cuts, TSA will have to do some belt-tightening.

Therefore, if you anticipate travel by air in the coming months, when flight day approaches be sure to keep in close touch with your travel agency, airline and local airport. If government cutbacks affect your plans, prepare alternative ways to get to your destination and back home again.

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