Home DESTINATION SPOTLIGHT Elderhostel Takes Senior and Family Travelers Through and Under Walt Disney World
Elderhostel Takes Senior and Family Travelers Through and Under Walt Disney World PDF Print E-mail

This program applies to all seniors, of course, but if you’re from the baby boomer generation, it could have special appeal to you. Did your parents take you to the new Disneyland in 1955, or the opening of Walt Disney World in 1971? Do you remember the excitement? Of course, you went to have fun and meet Mickey. You didn’t give a hoot then about what happened behind the scenes.

Mickey Mouse with kids at Walt Disney World


Since those ancient days, many TRAVEL55PLUS.Com readers have visited one or both of the parks with our own kids. My family did it on an almost yearly pilgrimage between 1973 and 1987. Did we care what caused the magic lights, electronic bells and whistles, what made all those thrill rides run safely or how Donald Duck and the brass band mysteriously disappeared from Main Street parade? If you didn’t wonder then, now’s your chance to find out.

Now Elderhostel offers a unique experience you never had back in your younger days. Maybe now you’re ready to see the real life wonder of Walt Disney World in Orlando, how it all works from behind the scenes and underground below the park. The Backstage Magic program offers a variety of revelations about the scientific and technical aspects of running the Disney and MGM Studio parks.

You’ll also explore Disney’s Epcot, which not only features advanced technology of today, but also of what’s in store for tomorrow. Epcot, with its many World’s Fair types of permanent exhibits from countries around the world will offer its senior participants exclusive looks into art, costumes, foods and gardens. For relaxation, you’ll attend a performance of Cirque du Soleil as a member of the audience as well as get a chance for a sneak peak backstage.

The all-inclusive Elderhostel experience at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida, covers six days, with programs running from late January through April. The cost starts at about $1,500 per person, double occupancy at a hotel on or near the Disney property.

This Elderhostel program is conducted in association with Florida’s Stetson University. Of course, there are many other Elderhostel programs for seniors throughout America and the rest of the world. For more information, go to elderhostel.org.

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