Tips For The Single Senior Sojourner Print

Remember the opening line of the Rodgers and Hammerstein song, "You'll Never Walk Alone" from "Carousel: When you walk through the storm, hold your head up high, and don't be afraid of the dark..." If planning to travel alone, forgot those lyrics! For single senior travelers, don't ever walk alone, and be afraid of the dark.

The world today is a far more dangerous place than it was decades ago during your student days. Then you could backpack safefly alone just about anywhere. Places in Paris, Manhattan, Golden Gate Park, Acapulco and Marrakesh were open and friendly.

Unfortunately, increasing street crime, ethnic conflicts, terrorism and rising rip-off prices have made travel costlier and more dangerous. If planning a trip to a city with any hint of trouble for a single senior walking the streets, day and night, it’s best to take along at least one adult friend or family member.

If you prefer traveling with tour groups, check with your travel agent, church, school or other local organization to find out if any of their travel plans appeal to you. Wandering around the Casbah and Bangkok with 30 other tourists is a lot safer than just one little old retiree doing it alone. The internet is a great source of options for group senior travel.

Cruise ships are usually chock full of seniors, and have safe programs. Gathering at meals, social events, exercise programs, entertainment, shore excursions and other activities are natural magnets for  senior singles to meet and mingle.

Some cruises feature male ship employees who serve as escorts at dances and excursions. The Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau movie, "Out To Sea", gives a hilarious version of the shipboard male escort service. As travel stats show, the ratio of women to men on singles cruises is at least 75-25 percent. So, go for it, guys!