Four Fave Movies About Traveling Oldsters Print

We often enjoy returning to these classics, and find the viewing as satisfying as visiting with old friends.

Harry and Tonto (1974): Art Carney sheds his goofy Honeymooner TV character to portray a kindly widower. When evicted from his New York apartment, he drives across the country to Los Angeles with Tonto, his elderly cat. Tonto’s health fails, in a sad scene, Harry says goodbye just before the animal shelter puts Tonto to sleep.

Going In Style (1979): Carney gives another great performance in this tragi-comedy about three seniors who decide to cap off their dull retirement lives by robbing a bank. The other two are portrayed by George Burns and Lee Strasberg. The heist is successful and to celebrate, they fly to Las Vegas.

Of course, they win considerably more money, but after returning home, both the Carney and Strasburg characters suddenly die. The survivor is caught and sent to jail. The satisfying ending is when he’s able to give the Vegas money to his son-in-law, and says prison life will be much better than being imprisoned in a nursing home.

Out To Sea (1997): This was the last of several successful and entertaining senior-themed films co-starring the late, great Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau. As male escorts on a cruise ship, their joys and woes play out as they encounter the mature lady passengers.

The movie is primarily a continuation of their Odd Couple and Grumpy Old Men characters. However, it’s nostalgically entertaining and worth revisiting whenever some cruise-savvy senior laughs are needed.

About Schmidt (2002): Jack Nicholson is the title character whose wife suddenly dies before they can drive their Winnebago on a cross-country retirement journey. As he travels America alone, he meets all kinds of interesting people. He also corresponds with an African orphan boy, and they share virtual conversations about their very different outlooks on life.