Senior Travel Alert: Offers Hotels at $50 and Less Print

It's the right time to take advantage of this year’s lower hotel rates by checking into PRICELINE.COM's latest bid offers from its list of 50 favorite U.S. destinations. A few examples include: $50 Orlando --- $40 New Orleans --- $46 San Diego --- $50 Albequerque --- $40 Atlantic City ---

New Orleans scene


$40 Dallas--- $42 Fort Lauderdale --- $38 Houston --- $49 Los Angeles --- $44 Disneyland area --- $45 Philadelphia --- $38 Phoenix --- $43 San Francisco --- $44Tampa --- $40 Virginia Beach.

Please note that any price quote you get from a successful bid does not include the usual local taxes and possible extra hotel charges, which could add from ten to 15 percent to the price. For more information and bidding instructions, see PRICELINE.COM