Make Kitty’s Flight The Cat’s Meow, Not CATastrophic! Print

You may want that special family member to fly with you. Get valuable how-to tips about cat air travel from the many websites that offer that information.

Before you make any plans to take your feline flying, know some of the requirements. Most airlines restrict animals to 22 pounds, and a limit of two per human passengers. Your cat will need a vet’s note listing recent required inoculations.

Consult with your vet if you have fears that noise in the airport and while in flight will be too much for your cat’s nerves. Some medication could keep kitty calm and able to sleep.

Don’t just show up at the airport with your cat on travel day. Call ahead to book the pet, because some airlines restrict the number of animals aboard per flight. Prices, depending on individual airlines, range frm $65 to $200, whether your cat rides in the baggage compartment or in the cabin with you. In today’s modern airliners, pets in cargo are as safely as humans in pressurized and climate controlled air.

Kitty needs a roomy cage, with padded bottom, and containers of fresh water and dry food. If in the passenger seat with you, the cage should fit under the seat ahead, or if you can get a seat facing a bulkhead, some airlines have mounted hooks for mothers to hang baby bassinets.

During the flight, you can hang the cage there, where your cat can see through the wires of the cage. Some snacks and soothing words through the wire help make the trip more bearable. If kitty sleeps, cover the cage with a coat or piece of cloth, leaving space for fresh air flow.

If you decide or must send your cat in cargo, be assured that airline employees know what to do for pet safety and comfort. Attach a note to the cage with the cat’s name, as well as instructions to touch or not, and to check food and water.