Casino 4Warning: 2 Much Booze=U Lose 2 Much Print

A recent news report featured a senior who lost umpteen bucks on the tables at a Las Vegas casino. He’s now suing because he was given too many free drinks while gambling, claiming it resulted in inability to bet intelligently.

We at rarely lecture our readers, but this was just too painful to let go by. We love casinos, including those in Nevada, Native American, Asia, Monaco and aboard cruise ships. We bet modestly, rarely win, but consider the time and money spent as recreation. The bare truth about casinos should give gamblers some smarts. The glitz, lights, music, games and booze are there to entice you to keep betting. Although against the law in some states, some servers bring free drinks knowing the more you consume, the less likely you’ll gamble intelligently.

Bottom line: Casinos are in business to make money. The statistical odds are already stacked against the gambler, so why allow excess booze to guarantee you lose? If you feel your enjoyment of casino gambling, along with excess drinking, is getting out of hand, consult your doctor and/or other family adviser.